
Investigative Stories

How discrepancy in royalty distribution is increasing inequality between local units

How discrepancy in royalty distribution is increasing inequality between local units

The government has made a mockery of federalism by centralizing the local units’ right to distribute royalty on natural resources....
Nepal government’s neglect of critical care service has cost patients dearly

Nepal government’s neglect of critical care service has cost patients dearly

The government is bent on purchasing equipment rather than managing human resources for critical care units.Sagar Budhathoki  | CIJ, Nepal
Daylight robbery in the name of vehicle maintenance

Daylight robbery in the name of vehicle maintenance

People's representatives who are supposed to make policies and set examples are presenting falsified invoices in the name of car...
How Bar Bardiya municipality became a trendsetter in improving education quality 

How Bar Bardiya municipality became a trendsetter in improving education quality 

While most local governments are busy constructing ‘attractive projects’--road, bridge, view tower—Bar Bardiya Municipality in Bardiya district is an exception....
Federal government continues grip on school education

Federal government continues grip on school education

Although the constitution hands over all authority related to the administration of education up to the secondary school level to...
Gender bias in household work claims the lives of women

Gender bias in household work claims the lives of women

Social norms that put the burden of household work on women have led to the deaths and injuries of many...
Stateless within the state

Stateless within the state

On one hand, there have been allegations that the constitutional provision regarding citizenship is discriminatory; on the other, acts according...
As illegal extraction continues, residents of Surkhet’s Raji village risk displacement

As illegal extraction continues, residents of Surkhet’s Raji village risk displacement

With haphazard extraction of riverbed material in Bheri river, a Surkhet village is at risk of being swept away. With...
Ad hoc local governance

Ad hoc local governance

Because of the ineffective federal government and disputes between some elected people’s representatives and chief administrative officers nearly 200 local...
How local governments in Rolpa are overhauling their schools

How local governments in Rolpa are overhauling their schools

While some local governments fail to exercise their right to manage schools in their jurisdiction, Triveni Rural Municipality has done...
Foul play causes devastation in Save Fewa Lake mission 

Foul play causes devastation in Save Fewa Lake mission 

A major dam constructed to stop silt deposition in Fewa lake faced damage due to substandard construction. The remaining three...
People’s representatives grab people’s land

People’s representatives grab people’s land

 Ruapandehi is urbanising rapidly, and all types of land, from farmland to public land are being grabbed and sold. In...
Bhutanese political prisoners have been languishing in jails for nearly 30 years

Bhutanese political prisoners have been languishing in jails for nearly 30 years

Majority of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese nationals who were forcefully evicted from the country since 1990 have now settled in various countries...
 Lack of a weather forecast system causing unprecedented loss and damage

 Lack of a weather forecast system causing unprecedented loss and damage

Nepal’s mountain region is witnessing excessive rain in recent years because of rising temperatures. But these areas lack temperatures and...
Bhutan’s happiness index ‘illusion’

Bhutan’s happiness index ‘illusion’

The truth is that Bhutan carried out a horrific ethnic cleansing in the 1980s and 1990s--one of the biggest in...